

I fell in love, same time that you're fallin' (yeah)

我深深陷入 同時你也慢慢離去


I fell in love, same time that you're fallin' apart

我墜入愛河 同時你卻準備離去

I should've known, thought I saw a sign in the stars

我早該了解 我卻誤認那是你給的信號

But I was wrong, fuckin' with you ain't last that long

但我錯了 和你纏綿的時光轉眼即逝

Now you gone, now you gone, now you gone, girl

女孩 現在你離開了 你離開了



Tell me what it is (what), made my heart break (yeah)

告訴我這算什麼 撕裂我的心

Saying that it's me (huh), but you know it ain't (nah)

說著全因為我 但你知道並不是

Took a few pills (yeah), I can't feel a thing (whoa)

吞了幾顆藥 感受不到我的情緒

Got me in my feels, sippin' on drank

困在自己的世界 啜飲著感冒糖漿*

Tryna, tryna, tryna keep it real, girl, you really ain't (fuck)

別再假裝一切 女孩 你一點都不真實

You know what's the deal, you can't get a thing (thing)

你知道這一切是如何 你不會得到什麼

Sayin' that it hurt, charge it to the game (game)

嘴上說著難受 卻把這些當成你的遊戲

Sayin' I'm a joke, laughin' to the bank (bank)

我就像個笑話 嘲笑的想著你贏了這局


(註:purple drank 是一種用含有「可待因」(Codeine) 和「異丙嗪」(Promethazine) 成分的咳嗽糖漿混合雪碧,然後加入冰塊調製而成的飲料 ,有時為了調味還會加入水果軟糖 (Jolly Ranchers),飲用後會感受到前所未有的「天不怕地不怕」的愉悅感)


I need your love


I need your touch


I need you right now


I need you right now




I fell in love, same time that you're fallin' apart

我墜入愛河 同時你卻準備離去

I should've known, thought I saw a sign in the stars

我早該了解 我卻誤認那是你給的信號

But I was wrong, fuckin' with you ain't last that long

但我錯了 和你纏綿的時光轉眼即逝

Now you gone, now you gone, now you gone, girl

女孩 現在你離開了 你離開了



I just want the love, baby, not the lust (yeah, yeah)

我只要真愛 親愛的 而不是肉體的刺激

Caught up in a daze, man, I need your trust (peace)

陷入迷亂 我需要你的依靠

All up in a maze, left you in the dust (yeah)

陷入混亂 必須離你而去

Gone in a Wraith, see the stars in a Wraith

開著跑車離開 在幻影中看見星星

You see the stars in the day (day), bitch


Have you been to Mars on a date (date), bitch?


I can take yo' ass to Mars in a day (day), bitch


I can take yo' ass to Mars today, bitch, yeah




I need your love


I need your touch


I need you right now (yeah)


I need you right now (yeah)




I fell in love, same time that you're fallin' apart

我墜入愛河 同時你卻準備離去

I should've known, thought I saw a sign in the stars

我早該了解 我卻誤認那是你給的信號

But I was wrong, fuckin' with you ain't last that long

但我錯了 和你纏綿的時光轉眼即逝

Now you gone, now you gone, now you gone, girl

女孩 現在你離開了 你離開了



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